Time Duration for Oral Presentation : 7 minutes (Presentation: 6 mins | Q & A: 1 min)
Prepare presentations in 16:9 aspect ratio format for wide screen viewing. Use a non-serif font (e.g., Arial)
Slide No. 1: Title & Introduction
Slide No. 2: Need for the Study, Hypothesis Aims and Objectives of the project
Slide No. 3: List out the Materials & Methods employed for the study.
Slide No. 4-6: Discuss the results obtained with Infographics, Tables, etc.
Slide No. 7: Brief and concise summary and conclusion of the research project. Prospects of the research project may be added.
Slide No. 8: Mention the acknowledgement (if any) and list out the references.
Poster & Guidelines
Time Duration for Poster Presentation : 5 minutes (Presentation: 4 mins | Q & A: 1 min)
A poster should include Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions Recommendations, and acknowledgements.
Use short sentences, simple words, and bullets to illustrate the points.
Text should be broken up by including graphics or photos. Self-explanatory graphics should dominate the poster.
Avoid using jargon, acronyms, or unusual abbreviations.
Use a non-serif font (e.g., Arial) for the poster.
No trade names should be used for drugs, devices, or instrumentation. Any medications or substances referred to in the materials must be identified by their scientific names only.
Interactive content/features that can be viewed using smartphones is allowed (for example, additional graphs, animations, videos related to the poster content).
Other & Guidelines
You cannot exceed the time limit given to you at any cost, so plan your presentation
It is your responsibility to make sure your Power point presentation is submitted
to the designated official at the Conference venue at least 1 day prior to the conference.
Make sure you are available in presentation hall at least 30 minutes before the time
mentioned in the agenda.
We request to incorporate the conference and ISRR logo into your PowerPoint presentation and E-poster. Ensure the logo does not interfere with the content of your slides.