• info@cardiometaboliccongress.com
  • +91 6369025211 / +91 9345533162

Oral Presentation & Guidelines

Time Duration for Oral Presentation : 7 minutes (Presentation: 6 mins | Q & A: 1 min)

Prepare presentations in 16:9 aspect ratio format for wide screen viewing. Use a non-serif font (e.g., Arial)

  • Slide No. 1: Title & Introduction
  • Slide No. 2: Need for the Study, Hypothesis Aims and Objectives of the project
  • Slide No. 3: List out the Materials & Methods employed for the study.
  • Slide No. 4-6: Discuss the results obtained with Infographics, Tables, etc.
  • Slide No. 7: Brief and concise summary and conclusion of the research project. Prospects of the research project may be added.
  • Slide No. 8: Mention the acknowledgement (if any) and list out the references.

Poster & Guidelines

Time Duration for Poster Presentation : 5 minutes (Presentation: 4 mins | Q & A: 1 min)

  • A poster should include Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions Recommendations, and acknowledgements.
  • Use short sentences, simple words, and bullets to illustrate the points.
  • Text should be broken up by including graphics or photos. Self-explanatory graphics should dominate the poster.
  • Avoid using jargon, acronyms, or unusual abbreviations.
  • Use a non-serif font (e.g., Arial) for the poster.
  • No trade names should be used for drugs, devices, or instrumentation. Any medications or substances referred to in the materials must be identified by their scientific names only.
  • Interactive content/features that can be viewed using smartphones is allowed (for example, additional graphs, animations, videos related to the poster content).

Other & Guidelines

  • You cannot exceed the time limit given to you at any cost, so plan your presentation accordingly.
  • It is your responsibility to make sure your Power point presentation is submitted to the designated official at the Conference venue at least 1 day prior to the conference.
  • Make sure you are available in presentation hall at least 30 minutes before the time mentioned in the agenda.
  • We request to incorporate the conference and ISRR logo into your PowerPoint presentation and E-poster. Ensure the logo does not interfere with the content of your slides.